In my post Owning Your Platform, I wrote about how, having written and worked for a number of media outlets and brands, a lot of my writing has disappeared into the ether. Fortunately, I have multiple folders with versions of some of the things that I have written. In the interests of ensuring that they aren’t totally lost, I have started sharing some of them here. This is something I wrote in 2020, having spent most of 2019 exploring the idea of productivity and using the time I work efficiently to create more time for other aspects of life. I probably went through at least 8 books and...
So What If You Had More Time?
Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are going to render many jobs obsolete. Copy and paste that sentence into your search engine and prepare to be freaked the hell out. In addition to links to a multitude of articles, at the bottom of the first Google search page: Searches related to Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are going to render many jobs obsolete. will artificial intelligence lead to massive unemployment technology taking over jobs statistics artificial intelligence and employment negative impact of robots on employment jobs lost due to technology jobs...
Intel Powers Convergence
Convergence. A word that has, over the last decade or so, taken on added meaning as technology has evolved and we have made the transition from single-purpose devices to multiple purpose devices. The PC, followed by the laptop, and the birth of the mobile device, whether smartphone or tablet, have created proper confusion when it comes to how we divide up our time because everything purports to do everything, just not always well. Not too long ago, I struggled with the idea of watching video on a laptop or reading books on a tablet. The screen felt too small for video and I still preferred...
How Are You Living?
For most of us, the journey is planned out even before we actually start living. You learn to crawl, walk, run. You go to kindergarten, primary school, high school and then tertiary. You get a job, build a career, hopefully, live in between. While the world has been rapidly evolving and the idea of ‘work’ or ‘job’ has evolved as well, we still operate within the paradigm we always have. Having worked in multiple industries and positions, I was often told I wasn’t qualified enough or too qualified for certain positions, particularly within the corporate space. And this is after doing the...
Put In The Work
I have realised that, increasingly, there are things people do on this social and digital media driven world that do not make sense to me. Actually, not just in the man-made cloud universe but also in the physical realm, but this isn’t about that. This confusion is made even more complicated because there are times when I inadvertently do some things that feel very much like the actions that don’t make sense to me. As a professional working in different industries, including building communities around brands, using primarily content and communications strategies, sharing is an important...