Make Life Count

Sleeping in on weekends ended the day my son was born. At eight years old, now, he drags himself out of bed from Monday to Friday, sometimes trying to get an extra ten minutes by crawling beneath the blankets in my bed when he comes to say good morning. On Saturdays and Sundays however, he’s been known to get up at 05:30/06:00 to start his day, and often wants company. When I asked him why he wakes so early on weekends, his response was simple and, uncomfortably logical: “weekends are my days and so I want more time to do the things I like, which is why I wake up earlier.” As they say, kids...

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Poetry: The Power of Po

The intention is, over time, to record little video clips of my poetry. Often, I get so caught up in how to do it properly, in terms of shooting, that I never get round to anything. This is a poem from my 2005 collection Voices In My Head. The internal debate: do I post the video, the text or the video and the text? I've decided to post the video. March 2018: I've been going through past posts on my blog and finding so many broken links, random ideas, etc. I have always wanted to do poetry videos but more from a conceptual perspective. When I initially posted this many moons ago, I had...

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Layman’s Thoughts – Samsung i8910

Not so many moons ago, when the cellphone first made its presence felt on African shores, no one could have predicted the extent to which it would truly penetrate the continent. Being a lover of gadgets, the explosion of the cellphone industry has meant that there is always something new for me to play with. And over the last two years, I’ve been fortunate enough to frequently access different ones to review. The one challenge when reviewing phones is that, with the technological advancements, the playing field has changed and what was once unique is now standard. Across the cellphone /...

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Urban Soul Poetry Slam Videos

On May 29th, I was a judge at the Urban Soul Poetry Slam held at Maponya Mall in Soweto (video of winner, Buthelezi uploaded last week). It was actually in Ster Kinekor and it was the first time I've been at a poetry event that had to end quick because there was a movie starting after the show. Wolverine, I think it was; still haven't seen that. The venue did add a different energy to the experience. And watching poetry rocking popcorn and a slush puppie is poetic in itself. Anyway, a friend of mine (no names) filmed the performances and I've been gradually uploading them to YouTube. I did...

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