Travel: Family Time At Tsitsikamma

Most Friday mornings, the house is filled with alarms, water running, crying and grumbling, and a stern voice shouting for children to bath, brush their teeth, have their breakfasts and get ready to leave for school. This Friday morning, however, there was a very different energy, one that you could almost reach out a pat it gently. There was still a voice shouting that children must get ready but, this time, it wasn’t for school but rather to catch a flight to Port Elizabeth and then a drive to South African National Parks' Tsitsikamma National Park. Growing up, we were ‘forced’ to take...

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Exploring Abu Dhabi With Montecasino

While the world may be getting smaller with technology bringing us closer together, there is still much to be learned from travelling to a place and submerging yourself in what is on offer with an open mind. I have been fortunate enough to travel to many places but I still hanker for new spaces to engage with. To understand people, it is important to wander their world, getting a snapshot of their lives, their culture, their experience. I always enjoy listening to radio and watching television in each place I visit, even when I don’t understand the language. The one region I have never...

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This Is True Africa

I was recently approached to write an article on interesting trends in Africa for Africa Travel Market Magazine which is positioned as "a new glossy travel, trade and business publication that dares to reposition the African continent as a destination of choice. The trailblazing magazine features a strong lifestyle element and is available in both traditional (print) and digital (embracing new media and social media) platforms." While the world 'discovers' us all over again, I truly believe the future of this continent lies in the hands (and minds) of the many people who quietly go about...

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Heineken Dropped SA

There is something about travel that puts not only one’s home into perspective but also how we fit into the world as a whole. The diversity that is the human species and the planet we live on is phenomenal but few of us have the opportunity to truly experience it, even if it is a snapshot. I often travel for work and, although the access is great, it is hard to truly experience a place when coming through for 3 days, with most of the time spent working. Heineken, with its latest global campaign ‘Voyage’, is giving four men the chance to experience the soul of the planet. Voyage is a...

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