Art Of Life Eps 7: African Web Series On Tech & Lifestyle

In the 7th Episode of Art of Life - an African web series on technology, the digital realm, lifestyle and motoring - with Steve Slotow and myself, Steve shares his experiences from Research@Intel 2013 in San Francisco, I talk a bit about WeChat, the 'social messaging' app being actively pushed by Tencent in Africa and we touch on Olympus' rough and rugged Waterproof TG-2. [youtube][/youtube] Shot at 21Tanks by Quinton Jones. Subscribe to the Art of Life Youtube channel HERE  

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The Art of Life Eps. 4

The intention is to go weekly with The Art of Life. In this episode, we talk about the quirky Q-Bopz, iShower and Sony headphones. We're still experimenting with format, shooting, cameras, etc. Maybe we'll even have a script and make-up, one of these days. We're starting to have a lot more fun and hopefully that comes through. If there is anything you'd like to hear our 'informed' opinion on, drop a line here, on Steve's blog or on our YouTube channel. A big thank you again to 21 Tanks for letting us use their dope office space as our studio. Enjoy....

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The Art of Life (Episode 1)

Steve Slotow is someone who I've been bumping into at, primarily, tech launches over the last two years. We'd chat briefly about this and that and get back to our lives. We both write and engage with content, particularly technology and digital related, from a more inclusive lifestyle perspective, rather than the solely geeky, nitty-gritty spec driven one - don't doubt we do like specs and features as well. So, when he approached me about starting a web series engaging with all of these spaces and more, I jumped at the opportunity. We've decided to call it The Art of Life. A director,...

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A layman’s thoughts – Nokia developer competition

I love gadgets & technology. I’m not an expert but I like what gadgets & tech can do for my life. I own two cellphones. Yes, one is a Nokia. If you have interacted with me, you will know that I am passionate about Africa. And I believe that, if there ever was a time for Africa to start realising its true potential, it is now. Information, content is king. The means of accessing and hoarding information is easier. Well, easier than it was trying to establish oneself during the industrial age. No-one expected the cellphone to penetrate the African continent the way it did. And Africans...

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