Kojo Baffoe & Steve Slotow Present The Art Of Life Eps 9

The 9th episode is done. Shot, edited and finally up on our YouTube channel which you can check out and subscribe to HERE. We generally shoot a couple of episodes in advance and then it is the process of editing and uploading. It would be good to get feedback from those of you who interact with the series either here, on Steve's blog or on YouTube. The intention is to keep going and see where it'll take us. Maybe we'll throw a party with Episode 50, or something. Anyway, in this episode, Steve and I chat about the Sony Action Cam, which is going head to head with the Go-Pro range of cameras....

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The Art of Life Eps 5

Another episode of the Art of Life with Steve Slotow and myself is in the bag and live. My piloting inadequacies were front and centre with this episode and we also chatted about the Xbox One (no, we don't have one) and the iGrill. Please go over to our YouTube channel and subscribe (if we don't bore you to death) and share. Also, I've said it before, but if you have interesting products or stuff, share them.   [youtube]http://youtu.be/yNWzA5shTWo[/youtube] Shoot at 21Tanks

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The Art of Life Eps. 4

The intention is to go weekly with The Art of Life. In this episode, we talk about the quirky Q-Bopz, iShower and Sony headphones. We're still experimenting with format, shooting, cameras, etc. Maybe we'll even have a script and make-up, one of these days. We're starting to have a lot more fun and hopefully that comes through. If there is anything you'd like to hear our 'informed' opinion on, drop a line here, on Steve's blog or on our YouTube channel. A big thank you again to 21 Tanks for letting us use their dope office space as our studio. Enjoy....

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The Art of Life (Episode 1)

Steve Slotow is someone who I've been bumping into at, primarily, tech launches over the last two years. We'd chat briefly about this and that and get back to our lives. We both write and engage with content, particularly technology and digital related, from a more inclusive lifestyle perspective, rather than the solely geeky, nitty-gritty spec driven one - don't doubt we do like specs and features as well. So, when he approached me about starting a web series engaging with all of these spaces and more, I jumped at the opportunity. We've decided to call it The Art of Life. A director,...

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