Sony Ericsson Opens New Foursquare Horizons

There are so many different platforms, social networks, groups, etc, all designed to bring us closer and make us more social. When foursquare came on the scene, I just didn’t see its purpose … in the same way I didn’t really get twitter. After a chat with a friend and colleague about 6 months ago on what can actually be done with foursquare, I started dabbling. I do not have it linked to twitter – so I do not bombard people with my check-ins – and I only check in when in public places … and only sometimes. I like the idea of it turning into a resource where, when I check into a particular...

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In Retrospect

Been behind schedule on posts so didn't get this out last week Friday. These are some of my favourite links from last week. Entertaining. Inspiring. Amusing. Irritating. Enlightening. Power out unplugs energy workshop Oh! The irony. Power outages at Johannesburg's Apartheid Museum have delayed a National Union of Mineworkers energy security workshop, attended by the industry's leading stakeholders. [Times Live] Suma Interviews Prof Mensah(Ghana) A comedic interview with an Indian man who speaks exactly like a Ghanaian [Video] Canopy Jar Online poetry publication [Words] Chinese Magic Aki...

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