Musings – A Return To The Source

I have come to the conclusion that Ghanaians are nomadic creatures. Beings who thrive on motion. Being of Ghanaian descent, I was born and raised outside of the true Black Star Nation. In 36 years, I spent a little time in Ghana as a baby (literally) until December of last year when I made the trip with my father and brother. In the two weeks I was in Ghana, we crammed in as much as we could, touring Accra, visiting Kumasi, Elmina, going to the Elmina Slave Fort, The Nkrumah Mausoleum, etc. It was during the Presidential Run-Off which allowed me some insights into the intricacies of politics...

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Another Link In The Chain

Wrote this for my first Father's Day as a father: What is it about our society today?  The eternal optimist, I truly believe that there is always hope, for the individual and for our species as a whole, but there is one thing I can’t figure out?  On a daily basis, I met people - men and women - who carry so much anger and rage when the subject turns to ‘fathers’.  Is it my circles or is this now a norm in our society?  Why is it that when you mention that you were raised by your father, there is surprise?  Why is it when you assume that a father is part of the family equation, it seems...

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Kobi Onyame – He Said, She Said

It ain’t easy. Talent is something that we, as human beings, have in abundance. The creation of beauty, melody, harmony is second nature to so many in our midst, yet we may never hear, see, touch or feel most of what is out there. That said, the birth and evolution of social media might just be the key. Through platforms such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter, my music listening habits have gradually changed, influenced less by hits pushed by the commercial conglomerates and more by the search for gems that would previously be restricted to a specific geographic location. Over the last few...

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Kojo Baffoe – Staccato Rhythms

Some say poetry is meant to speak for those who cannot speak. It is a tool for revolution. And those who can speak it, have a duty to only reside in that space & that spirit. This is a debate I have had with some of my peers, over the years. I believe the Word must be a reflection of the human experience, in all its glory and folly. There are no boundaries to what it can and cannot speak, however serious or trivial. httpv:// Every now & then, I actually write what I consider a political piece. This is one. Not necessarily my best performance of it,...

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Kojo Baffoe – Don’t Stop

Is it strange to have a favourite poem, that you wrote? Well, not necessarily wrote but you were there and the pen was in your hand. Who knows where the words come from. Are we merely channelers? Vessels through which greater, higher beings speak? This is my favourite poem. And I was there when it was written, but don't feel like I wrote it. Not necessarily the best performance of it, but it does make me feel good when I speak it. Something to keep me going. A reminder to never stop because this life is a journey. httpv:// What do you think? Let me know.

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Who’s Your Daddy?

I’ve always wanted to be a father.  To be honest, the idea of offspring was always easier to digest than the partner to create that child with.  For some reason, I’ve always believed that I will make a decent father, but it has, up till now, been a theoretical exercise in self-evaluation. I also come from a very family-oriented upbringing in which we were always encouraged to stick together; to view the family as the foundation, the launch pad from which we tackle the world.  I figure my father did well enough with us for me to be in a position to transfer that knowledge and wisdom onto my...

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