Nike Lights Up Joburg City

Adidas is the official FIFA partner at the 2010 FIFA World Cup™, the other sports brands, namely Nike and Puma, get mileage on the field through the sponsoring of the different national teams. The battle for our attention by these brands is always ferocious and has inspired some of the most innovative and daring guerilla marketing the world has seen over the last few years. While Adidas dominates anything FIFA-related for this World Cup™, Nike has been pushing aggressively and this is most evident with their massive advertising installations in Johannesburg city. They have created a massive...

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World Cup Predictions @ GIBS

On June 9th, I attended a Forum at the Gordon Institute of Business Science featuring Martin Tyler, Pedro Pinto and Duane Dell’Occa chatting about most things football. Martin Tyler is a legendary football commentator from the UK who has been commentating football since early 1980s. He also taught me football through high school (when I used to listen games on radio) and beyond, through his commentary. He is in South Africa working for ESPN. Pedro Pinto, also an extremely knowledgeable and experienced commentator is from Portugal but based in London, working for CNN. SABC’s football...

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