Kobi Onyame’s Inner City Lights

Ghanaian / UK-based hip hop producer and artist Kobi Onyame was the first artist I profiled (He Said, She Said - June 2009) when I started my Wordpress blog. Part of what I wanted to do with this space was to share some of the music I came across, whether mainstream or not, and Kobi led the way. It has been over a year. He has continued to build, and so have I. In the time since I profiled him, he has, amongst other things, recorded a He Said, She Said remix with Sway (Sway Dcyphas Life - April 2010), performed at Glastonbury Festival, shared a bill with artists like De La Soul, Kanye West,...

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RIM Jumps In With New Operating System – Blackberry 6

Research In Motion has been very busy. Firstly, it has launched a new operating system for its smartphones, the BlackBerry® 6 which comes with a range of features designed to further entrench Blackberry in the smartphone landscape. These include:   Visual, Fluid Interface - BlackBerry® 6 has been redesigned making it easier and more intuitive, with clean, sleek visuals and natural, fluid navigation. Views - It offers multiple views that help users organise their applications and content. Icons are arranged on the Home Screen in 5 customizable views (All, Favorites, Media, Downloads and...

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