What is Africa’s future? A group of 2011 Archbishop Tutu Leadership Fellows – part of a programme under the auspices of African Leadership Institute – created 2 scenarios of Africa in 2025. They explored how the continent would turn out depending on what Africans and their leaders do today.
M.anifest’s Immigrant Chronicles
Ghanaian emcee M.anifest epitomises the marrying of influence, culture, origin and progression and, with the release of his second solo album, Immigrant Chronicles: Coming To America, he builds on his debut album, Manifestations, and his free-for-download album/mixtape, The Birds and the Bees, which was recorded in support of the non-profit Young Entrepreneurs Africa. He is also part of the African Rebel Movement (A.R.M) with Uganda’s Krukid and producer Budo and S&M with Sarah White.
Wanlov – A Fokn African Gypsy
With his latest album, African Gypsy, Ghanaian / Romanian musician Wanlov embraces all aspects of his heritage, musical and culture, bringing them into the music in unique and creative ways whether it is in terms of instrument, language or attitude. A lot more of the Romanian in him is reflected in the album which could also be attributed to the fact that he produced the whole album except for one track, which was done by often-time collaborator Kweku Ananse – who produced his first album Green Card. Witty, intelligent and insightful, Wanlov, lyrically, builds layers that can be missed if one doesn’t engage fully. It is often easy to get lost in the humour and lose connection to the social-consciousness and awareness in his content. Definitely worth a listen.
Sony Ericsson Opens New Foursquare Horizons
There are so many different platforms, social networks, groups, etc, all designed to bring us closer and make us more social. When foursquare came on the scene, I just didn’t see its purpose … in the same way I didn’t really get twitter. After a chat with a friend and colleague about 6 months ago on what can actually be done with foursquare, I started dabbling. I do not have it linked to twitter – so I do not bombard people with my check-ins – and I only check in when in public places … and only sometimes. I like the idea of it turning into a resource where, when I check into a particular...
A Fokn Boi from No 1 Mango Street
M3nsa is a UK-based Ghanaian artist/producer M3nsa has, after years of working in the industry producing for the likes of hiplife godfather Reggie Rockstone and performing with artists like Nneka, The Roots and The Gorillaz, finally released a solo project No. 1 Mango Street. Coming off the back of his film and album – Coz Ov Moni – with Wanlov, childhood friend and other half of the group Fokn Bois, M3nsa’s album wonderfully marries his influences, whether it is hip hop, Twi and Pidgen English and Ghana, and is a sign of what happens when African artists are able to create balance.
Mutumbo’s Sweet Memories
Spoken word / poetry has stuttered across the continent, going through ebbs and flows as poets grapple to build platforms and garner the kind of support necessary to sustain a life dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in word, thought and craft. In Ghana, it is no different. Two years ago, I attended the Bless The Mic open mic series in Accra run by Mi Prime Entertainment and briefly met their resident poet, Mutombo. We shared thoughts on poetry, we shared a poem and went our separate ways. In that time, Mutumbo has been paying his dues, and contributing to the development of the scene in...