How To Work Better

In my post Owning Your Platform, I wrote about how, having written and worked for a number of media outlets and brands, a lot of my writing has disappeared into the ether. Fortunately, I have multiple folders with versions of some of the things that I have written. In the interests of ensuring that they aren’t totally lost, I have started sharing some of them here. This is something I wrote in 2020, having spent most of 2019 exploring the idea of productivity and using the time I work efficiently to create more time for other aspects of life. I probably went through at least 8 books and...

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Efficiency Overdose

This life is some work. I often feel like I’m ODing on trying to deal with this reality better, from a professional, business and personal perspective. Every day I’m reading, doing exercises, working to implement a more efficient way of tackling the day-to-day. There is no single manual to making it work. There is no one way of doing things. As with so many aspects of life, it’s about finding one’s own path amidst the multiple tools. And it is a work-in-progress. From David Allen’s Getting Things Done, The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan and Stephen R. Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly...

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Getting Things Done

This process of becoming better is an on-going one with the potential to frustrate. For every short step forward, there are times when it feels like this is followed by two rapid steps back. This applies to all aspects of life. I am constantly on the look out for processes, systems, habits, etc that will help me become more efficient with my time to ensure that I can maximise experience. I have used notebooks, diaries, Tasks in MS Outlook, digital/mobile calendars, text messages to myself, and, when the app ecosystem was born, I went ballistic, downloading multiple productivity and time...

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How To Become More Efficient With Your Time

Busy-ness has become the scourge of many an individual in this day and age. Technology has made us accessible and made it easier for us to access so much that we stay perpetually submerged in the noise. This is something I’ve been battling with and trying to make sense of for some years now. It doesn’t help that I am on every possible social platform out there, have worked – and continue to work - in multiple industries, have no less than 5 email addresses, try to be there for my family, regularly have 4/5 projects on the go in addition to my day job and will occasionally get in something I...

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