I Don’t Have A Death Wish

“Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.” Psychology Today With the sheer weight of demands on our lives today, the idea of mindfulness or living in the present is becoming increasingly important. Our app ecosystem, incorporating social media, the internet, instant messaging, emails, etc. take up so much of our headspace and time in the physical...

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Let The Ride Begin, Life On Two Wheels

There is a time for everything. And when it comes to my life, the time for a motorcycle was definitely not in my 20s. I was a bit of a speed freak and I probably would not be writing these words, if I had explored bikes then. Three years ago, as I drifted into my 40s, I decided that it was time to try life on two wheels. My clichéd line was “I reckon I’m at the age where I can ride somewhere on a Sunday for pancakes, especially because I love pancakes.” At that point, my only previous experience with riding a bike was attempting to ride in a friend’s yard at 16, dropping it on my thigh and...

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