Win Internet Security Solution From Kaspersky Labs

Jan 22, 2015 | Competitions, Technology & Innovation

We use different devices daily. We do banking and buy products and services, sharing credit card and bank details on multiple sites and apps. Security has improved and many sites have relatively secure login processes, but, there are those who spend as much time looking for ways to circumvent our device security. It is also, often, a mission to ensure that each device we have is secure – perhaps your PC or Mac is covered but your tablet is at risk. Or, your tablet is sorted but your smartphone isn’t. It may not be the most scientific approach but I have always tried to ensure that my spaces – whether car, house, etc – are a bit more work from a security perspective, in the hope that it would deter those who are looking to acquire my personal possessions through nefarious actions.

Founded in 1997 by Eugene Kaspersky, Kaspersky Labs is in the business of counteracting cyber-threats. On their site, they state that they are out to save the world from cyber-crime: “We believe that everyone has the right to be free from cyber-security fears. So we’ve made it our mission to provide the world’s most effective, responsive and efficient protection against cybercrime: those from malware, spam, hackers, sophisticated cyber-espionage tools, and more. We’re here to protect our users from them all.” (Eugene Kaspersky)

To serve those of us who are multi-device individuals, Kaspersky has their multi-device internet security package which provides security for PC, Mac, Android and Kaspersky Safe for iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone users. With one license, you get protection against various threats, unauthorised webcam access (PC), secure browsing and online shopping, anti-phishing and anti-spam, and wifi security (for example, in public spaces), amongst others. The packages can handle from one up to six devices, depending on which one you get.

I’ve been able to get three Kaspersky Internet Security – Multi-Device 2015 packages to give away on here. These are to handle only one device for one year. A good way to determine whether this is the package for you before going out to get the license to cover a lot more of your gadgets.

To enter, answer the following question in the comments section below:

What does Kaspersky Labs seek to save the world from?

Please note that the competition is only open to residents of South Africa and, obviously, if you work for Kaspersky or their affiliates, it wouldn’t be fair if you entered. The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015. The winners will either be randomly picked out of a hat by one of my children or using List Randomizer, depending on the number of entries.