Win His & Hers Blackberry Torch Hamper

Feb 9, 2011 | Competitions, Technology & Innovation

For Valentine’s Day, BlackBerry® in South Africa is running a competition in which one can win a matching BlackBerry® Torch™ 9800 smartphone hamper for yourself and your loved one. To do so, go to Channel24 (<- click here) and vote for the person you would want to have as your BBM™ (BlackBerry® Messenger) contact on your BlackBerry® smartphone. There are a bunch of people I would have wanted to have as an option on the list but I found at least one and I definitely want a Torch. BBM has driven a lot of people to the BlackBerry®. The BBM numbers bandied around during the World Cup were phenomenal and, if you look at the recent Mobility 2011 survey by World Wide Worx, it continues to draw more consumers to Blackberry.

“With BBM, you can share pictures, voice notes and text messages with your loved one throughout Valentine’s Day if you’re both BlackBerry smartphone users. The use of BBM is included in your monthly BlackBerry Internet Service fee, so you can flirt and chat to your heart’s content without worrying about the bill you’re running up.

Says Deon Liebenberg, Regional Director for Sub-Sahara Africa: “BlackBerry smartphones are all about connecting people, so we can’t wait to hear who South Africans would like to choose as their BBM Valentine. The BlackBerry Torch 9800 is a stylish, premium smartphone that combines the best elements of both a touch screen and a physical QWERTY keyboard.  This is a competition you don’t want to miss.””

Will be interesting to see the results on the online poll. I suspect I already know who will be top of the list.