The Fast Lane At Ferrari World, Abu Dhabi

We develop perceptions of ourselves as we grow. And, as we experience different aspects of life, we sometimes discover that these ideas of self are slightly off the mark. As a teenager, and into my twenties, I always saw myself as a ‘gung-ho’ alpha male-type. I wanted to try skydiving, bungee-jumping, luge and everything in between. Then, one day, with a group of friends, I went rap jumping, off the top of The Parktonian Hotel in Braamfontein, Joburg. Rap jumping is essentially abseiling but you go down face first. Although I did four jumps, I was terrified. For the first jump, the...

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Exploring Abu Dhabi With Montecasino

While the world may be getting smaller with technology bringing us closer together, there is still much to be learned from travelling to a place and submerging yourself in what is on offer with an open mind. I have been fortunate enough to travel to many places but I still hanker for new spaces to engage with. To understand people, it is important to wander their world, getting a snapshot of their lives, their culture, their experience. I always enjoy listening to radio and watching television in each place I visit, even when I don’t understand the language. The one region I have never...

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