Red Bull’s Film On Music

Red Bull has gradually positioned itself at the forefront of sports, creativity and lifestyle, embedding itself in everything from extreme sports and dance to music, football and Formula One. In 1998, they started the Red Bull Music Academy in Berlin as “a world-travelling series of music workshops and festivals” with the main segment attended by “two groups of 30 selected participants – producers, vocalists, DJs, instrumentalists and all-round musical mavericks from across the planet”. It has been held in as diverse places as Cape Town, Sao Paulo, Dublin, Melbourne, London, Seattle and...

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Digital Crates: All Brooklyn Everything

I write every day. I have the kind of job that forces me to, in those moments when I don’t really want to. I have this blog. It also needs to be maintained. I play on social media on the daily, using it to engage, get ideas and share thoughts. I’m not always sure what it is all for … well, writing for Destiny Man, I am clear on purpose … it’s the blogs and social media and stuff that I lose my way with every now and then - often more now than then. Anyway, with the blog, the new strategy is to create consistency by blogging regularly under specific headings, such as the newly introduced...

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