In my post Owning Your Platform, I wrote about how, having written and worked for a number of media outlets and brands, a lot of my writing has disappeared into the ether. Fortunately, I have multiple folders with versions of some of the things that I have written. In the interests of ensuring that they aren’t totally lost, I have started sharing some of them here. This is something I wrote in 2020, having spent most of 2019 exploring the idea of productivity and using the time I work efficiently to create more time for other aspects of life. I probably went through at least 8 books and...
Learning how to say ‘no’.
It's always interesting how things will come into your space, repeatedly. Yesterday, I was listening to a Tim Ferriss podcast in which he was chatting to author Elizabeth Gilbert. One of the things they chatted about was saying 'no'. Not even two hours later, my son wanted a piece of my daughter's sandwich and her response was 'no'. He was now pressurising her to explain why she said 'no'. I jumped into the back and forth to tell him that she did not owe him an explanation, in the same way that he did not owe anyone an explanation, when he said 'no'. I was forced to learn this, painfully,...
Distraction, the ultimate productivity killer
Have you ever sat down with the intention of getting something done only to find, when you look back at the end of the work day, that you didn't anything productive? I remember working for a magazine and, the day I started contemplating quitting was when I realised that, in one day, the most productive I had been was having sent three emails. Why? Distraction. Every time I sat down to work on an article, the phone rang or an email came in or my cellphone beeped or something walked into my office. That was one of my lowest points. I have spent the last 6 years trying to deal with distraction....