Sandbloom Serves Music For The Soul

US artist / musician Kevin Sandbloom embraces the extent of his creative ability with music that is soulful and stripped down to its bare essence. From R&B and soul to folk, he does not limit himself. And to watch him live, building beat, melody, sound with guitar and voice is amazing. I saw him by chance at the Nuyorican Poetry Café in New York and left with two of his albums. He is about the creation of good music, as opposed to dumbing down or selling oneself short. His cover of Sade’s Is It A Crime is simply beautiful.

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Taalam Acey – Love/Erotik

As I crawl out the trenches, find my way through a self-inflicted writer's block, I have started to read, and watch, and listen to poetry again. I have stepped away from my desire to write and allow myself to experience the joy that is the written and spoken word. Someone I have recently come across is Taalam Acey. This is a recent performance of his at UrbanErotika, Bowery Poetry Club in New York. httpv:// I hope it speaks to you and you find relevance between the lines. I know I did.

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