Following The White Rabbit With Jameson Cult Film Club

It was 1999. There was talk of a new film called The Matrix by The Wachowski Brothers, now simply known as The Wachowskis, and starring Keanu Reeves (Neo) and Laurence Fishburne (Morpheus). It was said that the actors spent months training in martial arts and the like before starting to even shoot. The special effects were like nothing seen before and significant parts of the dialogue became part of our lexicon. I don’t know how many times I have watched The Matrix. I watched the sequels The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions, both released in 2003, but it was the original that has...

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The Jameson Irish Whiskey Nation

The debate on who invented whiskey/whisky, between the Scottish and the Irish, has raged for years, including spelling. You have Irish whiskey and Scottish whisky. Most use the Scottish spelling and the greater attention has been on them but Irish whiskey also has a place. South Africa is a top market for Jameson, in particular Jameson Special Reserve. I would, however, contend that, with the rest of the world also producing great whiskey/whisky, the taste of the liquid, and your palate, are more important. Trained as an engineer, Brian Nation is Master Distiller at the Jameson Midleton...

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