Impact Farming – Crowdfunding and Accessible Investments

Since the term ‘crowdsourcing’ was coined by journalist and Wired contributing editor Jeff Howe in 1996 to describe “the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers” (Merriam-Webster), it has expanded and manifested in multiple ways. There is crowdfunding, crowdauditing, crowdjobbing, crowdwisdom, crowdcare and crowdcuration, amongst others. Within the crowdfunding space, there have also been various methods, with the explosion of...

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Pay Your Future Self With Small Investment

Entrepreneurship. A word cloaked in so much hope, passion and idealism but, having been brought up by an entrepreneur and having been one for most of my professional life, I have also learned that it comes with hard work, erratic income and setbacks. The stories of entrepreneurs who failed multiple times before succeeding beyond their wildest imagination are many, and that is what drives most of us who enter the entrepreneurship space. In South Africa, many have spoken of entrepreneurship as the solution to issues of unemployment, particularly amongst the youth. When submerged in your...

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