Each Game Is A Moment

The Beautiful Game! How does one describe the full breadth of emotion that is born out of watching eleven versus eleven on a field in a battle for supremacy over a football where the weapons are skill, strategy, determination and passion? How do you articulate the feeling of pure joy when your team wins or the pain when the team is going through a rough patch? It seeps into all parts of your life, often made worse by the banter and chirping from those around you who support rival teams. It’s that time of the year that every football supporter dreads – end of season. Regardless of where your...

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Yaya Touré (AFF)

The Ivory Coast, over the last decade or so, has had a number of wonderful footballers establish them on the international stage - the biggest is probably Didier Drogba. For me, one of the first names to gain prominence was Kolo Touré, who formed the backbone of Arsenal’s defense before his recent move to Manchester City. While Kolo is a great player, it is his youngest brother, Gnégnéri Yaya Touré, who stands out for me. I’m not sure where I first came across him, but it was more than likely at the 2006 Africa Cups of Nations were he formed the heart of Cote D’Ivoire’s midfield - tough,...

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