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Kojo Baffoe, Author at KOJO BAFFOE

Embracing Non-Linear Paths: Building a Life, Not Just a Career

While the world has changed a great deal, we seem to be struggling to find new ways of living. The typical path from birth feels linear - kindergarten, primary school, high school, university, job, career, live life when we retire. Over the last 30 or so years of my working life, I have bounced between multiple, often unrelated industries, with writing at the core. Writing stemmed less from my studies and more because it is something that I enjoy doing occasionally, and then I put the work into the craft. It doesn’t hurt that I'm relatively decent at it, from articles and poetry (for a...

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The Endless Cycle of Signing Up and Forgetting: My Experience with Digital Platforms

I like the Internet. I like wandering down random rabbit holes in service of curiousity. I like how it exposes me to ideas and experiences that are far removed from me. I also like exploring the multitude of platforms, and their respective apps (or vica versa). While social media has become less my thing, I still have the habit of signing up for random things, just to see how they work. I was one of those who downloaded what felt like every app and then never used it afterwards. I still have apps on my phones that I haven’t opened in two years and yet I still can’t bring myself to delete...

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Tech Writing in the Age of Speed: How to Catch Up and Stay Relevant

In another lifetime, I was a tech writer. I obsessively followed what was happening, attended countless launches in South Africa and around the world, and wrote about technology and innovation on my blog (for example, this very old review of the Samsung i8910) and in magazines. When I joined Destiny Man magazine as the editor in 2010, I had to start cutting back on writing specifically on tech because of the demands on my time. Plus, I was writing more across the board. After a few issues, the magazine hired someone else to write the technology pages. And, gradually, I stopped receiving...

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Navigating the Social Media Limbo: Where Do We Go From Here?

Recently, I realised that Twitter has been my go-to social network for over a decade, but I rarely go on it now. When I do, I remember why I started to pull back from it when Elon Musk bought it, although the signs were already there - I wrote about it during lockdown in The Twitter Abyss. Social media doesn’t have the same hold on me it had previously, especially when it felt necessary for promotion/marketing and building awareness around my work. Nowadays, my posts' reach and/or engagement doesn’t feel as significant as it used to. A part of me feels we are at an inflection point where...

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Working on the OPPO Find N2 Flip launch

There was a time when I used to write on technology for my site and various publications. One of the early blog posts I ever did on my site when I got my domain was on Nokia's music store, a very long time ago. When I was submerged in that world, I had the opportunity to attend many a tech launch, particularly for smartphones, even getting to travel to launches and tech experiences internationally. I got to visit CES in Las Vegas, tour the Google offices in San Francisco, go dogsledding and to see the northern lights in Sweden, and attend a smartphone launch in Paris, amongst others. After a...

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Some of the books I read in 2022

Every year, I promise myself that I will get this right and then the year comes and goes. Having been on Goodreads since 2012, I always set myself Reading Challenge for the year. In my first three years, I didn’t meet that challenge, for example, only reading 10 of the 50 I had set in 2012 and 24 of the targeted 30 in 2014. 2019, 2020 and 2021 were good years, having read 43/35 books, 59/50 and 55/55 respectively. For this reason, I was quite ambitious in 2022, with the intention of reading at least 60 books and, I must say, I started the year really well but faded quite a bit in the last...

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