Man Of Steel

Jun 10, 2013 | Lifestyle, Random

It looks like film is the new battleground for cellphone manufacturers. The first instance I really remember of a phone having a significant ‘role’ in a film was Nokia’s 3110 in the Matrix. More recently, Sony Xperia T has been pushed as the ‘James Bond’ phone and I’ve been to a couple of film premieres that were sponsored by smartphone manufacturers.

The latest in this budding relationship between smartphone, in this case Nokia, and film is Man of Steel. Like many kids who grew up in the 70s and 80s, Superman was THE superhero. At some stage, the superhero space became extremely saturated with more human characters taking over the space while, the real comic book character films faltered – Michael Keaton as Batman was kind of alright for its time but no where near as epic as it should have been. Iron Man, Spiderman, the Avengers, Thor, etc have changed the superhero landscape and it was a matter of time before Superman was done again. I haven’t been keeping up with the goings-on around this but, having just seen the trailer below for the film, I may just start getting excited.
