In Retrospect

Apr 30, 2010 | Uncategorised

Lists Of The Most Important Internet Personalities

Internet Evolution has come up with their first-ever list of the top 100 most innovative and influential people in the Web 2.0 world. In the social networking category, Mark Zuckerberg, the Founder of Facebook, beat out Kevin Rose, the Founder of Digg. In the search category, the heads of … [WebProNews]

Malcolm X’s Killer Released After 44 Years? Sorry But The Real Killers Never Went To Jail

Sure today a bunch of people are gonna be up in arms and have been up in arms when it was announced that Thomas Hagan the only man who admitted his role in the 1965 killing of Malcolm X was paroled yesterday. He had been in jail 44 years… [Davey D]

The Ultimate Guide To Football Books

In conjunction with Amazon, EPL Talk brings you a comprehensive list of the top 18 football books on the beautiful game. If you’re looking for something to read, pick from any of the following recommended books…. [EPL]

Piracy Problems? Music Industry Grew In 13 Markets In 2009

Here’s a surprise: recording industry revenues actually grew in 13 major world markets in 2009. Australia, Mexico, South Korea, Sweden, the UK, and Brazil were all among the countries that saw revenue increases, and … [Ars Technica]

SA Twitter Report 2010: Analysis and Demographics Of South African Twitter Usage

This is said to be drawn from SA twitter activity in March and April 2010. Interesting but seems a little thin on info … [Fuseware]

Timeline Of Facebook Privacy Policy: From Reasonable (2005) To Apocalyptic (2010)

Electronic Frontier Foundation attorney Kurt Opsahl has gone spelunking in the history of Facebook’s privacy policies over the past five years, presenting a timeline that starts with something fairly moderate and reasonable in 2005 and moves to the current 2010 version which basically says, “By using Facebook, you agree to let us film your life 24/7, sell it to advertisers, ridicule it, or make a reality show from it.” … [Boing Boing]

Save Money By Employing A Third-Party Haggler

We’re big fans of negotiating and always asking for a lower price. Not everyone is comfortable negotiating and some of us didn’t grow up around hagglers. In that case it can pay big to … [Lifehacker]

Jose Mourinho delighted by ‘greatest win of his career’

Inter Milan coach Jose Mourinho hailed his side’s Champions League semi-final victory over holders Barcelona as “the greatest moment of my career”… [BBC]

The Elements of Living Lightly

Today I’m going to suggest a small change in mindset that could change your life. I won’t keep you in suspense. Here it is: think of nothing that happens as either good or bad. Stop judging, and stop expecting… [Zen Habits]