Beyond borders – Free Air Tickets

Jan 1, 2010 | Random

Opportunity exists in abundance. The problem lies in exposure or awareness. Some pass us by because we operate with blinders; others because we are not exposed to them. I randomly came across a great opportunity for small to medium-sized businesses in South Africa.

British Airways Plane

British Airways is offering 50 South African companies the opportunity to win a Business Opportunity Grant with each Grant consisting of “10 return Business Class flights anywhere on the British Airways network (valid for a year and excluding taxes, fees and charges). Every winning company will also receive valuable business services and support from our partners.”

Through research, they have found that, while online connection / networking continue to grow, face-to-face is still as important in doing business. Sometimes you need to be in the same room, look into each other’s eyes and seal the deal.

To win, all you have to do is give information on your company, answer a couple of questions about your 2010 objectives and explain how the grant will help grow your business.

The competition ends on February 9th, 2010, and is only open to registered South African companies with 250 employees or less, who are not a subsidiary of a larger company, and who do not have an existing corporate deal with British Airways. A valid Company Registration number will be required.

To find out more and enter, check out