Bassey Ikpi – Writing Letters

Sep 14, 2009 | Words

Being a lover of the written and spoken word, I try to explore it as much as possible, often randomly surfing in search of interesting poets and writers (when I probably should be writing). A couple of years ago, I came across the website of Nigerian-American poet Bassey Ikpi and have been following her work since. I then discovered her on twitter and have interacted with her in that space extensively.  So, you can imagine my thrill when I found out that she had been invited to perform at the Arts Alive poetry show, Speak The Mind.

I was blessed enough to spend some time with her while she was in South Africa, as well as to see her perform twice. Definitely on my list of favourite contemporary poets.

Bassey has a young son and wrote a beautiful poem to him before he was born. For those who know me, I dig children and was absolutely touched by the poem so I decided to share it with you.


The first poem I ever heard of hers was Homeward. A poignant piece. The struggle to find balance as both a Nigerian and as an American.


I am hoping she will put up videos of her performances in Joburg soon. Keep an eye out for them. And keep an eye out for more beautiful words from this amazing poet.