Attention, that’s what it’s all about

"Attention is a resource—a person has only so much of it."Matthew Crawford Social media, over the last decade, has put 'attention' at the heart of everything we do. This is especially the case when you consider the sheer vastness of the digital noise that we create every day, including posts like this. Our value is often seen to be determined by numbers - followers, likes, comments, fans, pageviews, hits, etc. The birth and proliferation of the 'influencer' is a result of this. Attention has become a commodity In an interview with the legendary US radio host Angie Martinez, rapper J Cole...

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Diary Of A Madman

Hip hop has been a part of my life since I was about 11 years old in 1983. I tried my hand at breakdancing when I was in high school, under the monikor Dr Kool MC (have no idea where that came from). I gave rapping a shot during my early days, doing “to the hip hop, the hippity hop and you don’t stop the rock’ with the best of them. I was never much of a visual artist and you couldn’t find spray paint cans in Maseru, Lesotho any way. We used to get our music from friends who were based in the US and, as a result, got to hear everything from The Sugarhill Gang, Grandmaster Flash & The...

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