The TV Game Requires Skill (7)

The football player as TV analyst can be a fascinating experience. At a time when most of us are starting to create strong careers, most football players are starting new ones. After a lifetime of working towards playing at the highest level, they are dealing with a new world, learning new skills and find new ways of applying old skills. Other than becoming coaches, or fading into the background, many end up in the media, doing commentary or analysis on games. Click to read my thoughts on this trend .... [more in City Press]

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The more you give (7 in City Press)

I was always taught that we are because of the wider community that surrounds us. We pay much lip service to the concept of "motho ke motho ka batho", but that is a reality of life. To contribute to that community does not require much. For those who do not have money, there is time, work, or anything else non-financial at their disposal. For those with the financial means, it does not have to end there. This is what I explored in my column in City Press' 7 this last weekend... [more ... 7]

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World Cup Music – 7 (City Press)

I write my column in 7 (City Press) in advance so I wrote this before kick-off of the World Cup. The concert has happened, the music is being played everywhere, especially in the stadiums. I was at the Ghana vs Serbia game and they had cheerleader / dancers getting down to Waka Waka.  I wrote a post on the R.Kelly World Cup songs a couple of weeks ago and expanded on my views on this the World Cup Music in my column this last Sunday, titled It Is Here, But I'm Not Feeling It

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7 in City Press

Some may be aware of fact that I have had, for just under a year, a weekly column in the Entertainment Supplement of the City Press, now called 7 (previously City Pulse), where I share my thoughts on primarily 'Popular Culture', as well as general social things.  Every week, my column is also posted up on the City Press website and I have been trying to figure out a way to share it within this space.  I have decided that the best route is to, from now on, put up a link here to the column page for those who would like to read it. Please do engage and share your thoughts. That is what provides...

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